Every year the INKOM is organised by the Workgroup INKOM (WGI). The WGI consists of 4 students from Maastricht University or Zuyd Hogeschool.
F.l.t.r.: Iris Gouverne, Max Walrave, Lotte Kaesler & Annabel van der Werf
The roles within the Workgroup INKOM 2024 are divided as following:
President | Lotte Kaesler
voorzitter.inkom@maastrichtuniversity.nl | 043-3885338
Secretary | Iris Gouverne
secretaris.inkom@maastrichtuniversity.nl | 043-3885335
Treasurer | Annabel van der Werf
penningmeester.inkom@maastrichtuniversity.nl | 043-3885339
Logistics Manager | Max Walrave
logistiek.inkom@maastrichtuniversity.nl | 043-3885337